Shaping a better community for all people while serving with integrity and excellence.

It is my goal to promote open, respectful communication with community members. As the Sheriff’s Office, I am dedicated to serving the community and implementing its ideas. It is necessary for law enforcement to keep up with the ever-changing expectations of society in today’s world. By being in touch with the community, the Sheriff’s Office will be proactive about the expectations of the community.

Inter Agency
I will meet with each division of the Sheriff’s Office and the cities of Anoka County. It is important for me to know what is working well. As for the things that aren’t working well, I will encourage ideas for improving day-to-day operations. By using this approach, those doing the job will have a voice and will be challenged to come up with reasonable solutions. Furthermore, this will help drive common-sense policy.

Bottom Up Leadership
The office will be a bottom-up leadership style. Leadership is a privilege, not a right. I will encourage and promote training, coaching, and mentoring to help prepare the next generation of law enforcement.
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Support Gagnon for Anoka County Sheriff 2022, Shaping A Better Community For All People While Serving With Integrity And Excellence.